IMG_20150528_194510There was this little girl full of Grace and I can remember her being all but four years old, and I can remember how it’s not real hard for children to see it in your face. To see strain, worry and stress.  And I remember it perfectly – she trying to invite me to play and I can remember how important it was for these thoughts in my head to be finished,  to be thought through.  Play seemed to take me away from the matter at hand, and this was a serious matter to think though. Then, these little hands they came in close and cupped my face and that voice of Grace –  I remember it still, like a sweet voice in my soul.  ” Mamma your too hard”  And I knew she saw with real eyes, she saw that the most serious matter at hand was play! I’ve never forgotten these words I’m learning, learning to blow the dandelions into the wind, to skip, to swing high and to listen to the voice of children, there is much truth found in them.

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