Rest + Pause = Strength

This is day 17 from the series of 31 days of Prayer and Pros

For True Strength!

Three little words right there, slung straight at my face.  Rest – Pause – Strength!  Oh yeah,  there are those days when you muster up strength to push through. That kind of strength that you could purchase at the local discount store.  It’s the kind that leaves you dry when it’s over and wanting for more.  It is the kind of strength that leaves your focus on the list and the task to be accomplished,  and forgets about relationship,  the lovely blue sky, and the fact that there is even food on the table.  At it’s best it’s,  weak. A false strength inviting independence.  Really…who has time to stop,  to pause,  to rest.  If I rest nothing will get done.

 Lean in and listen dear one,   Rest and pause  are the womb for true strength to be birthed forth.  There we are nourished,  we are stabilized, We remember who we are and who’s we are.  When I must lean into Him who I am knit together with I am connecting with my source of life. I am strengthened in my weakness.  When I pause and give thanks for even the smallest of things, I find in my gaze back to Him a strength flexing its muscles within.  Because dear Child we were made to be co-dependent.  Co-dependent upon him   Yes it is true Rest + Pause =Strength.   I know we get it backwards some days,  but will you come rest a while with me?  And in your pause might I suggest you repeat a short breath prayer?  “Abba I belong to you”

4 responses to “Rest + Pause = Strength”

  1. Why do we find it so very difficult to rest and pause? Even though I am a pretty sedentary person, I still find it difficult to actually deliberately pause and refocus. I keep thinking that by trying harder that I can get where I want to go–even though I know better.


  2. This is certainly my hardest. I will nap, but I do not rest. I will sit, but I do not pause. And yes, I do so often pray for supernatural strength, but seem to be trying to find it within myself. Words I shall write and display in a place where I can see them. I have a long haul ahead and will need this equation to accomplish and be ready. Thank You with my Love.


  3. Bryden, I didn’t notice the photographs until after I posted my comment. I love them; to see ordinary things in a new way. That’s great!


    1. Thank you! We all need fresh perspective at times. 🙂


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